

Error Type



  • BITV 1.0 (Level 2)
    Guideline GroupLevel 1
    Guideline Subgroup12.1 Title each frame to facilitate frame identification and navigation.
  • Section 508
    Guideline GroupI - frames shall be titled
  • WCAG 1.0 (Level A)
    Guideline GroupPriority 1
    Guideline Subgroup12.1 Title each frame to facilitate frame identification and navigation.
  • WCAG 1.0 (Level AA)
    Guideline GroupPriority 1
    Guideline Subgroup12.1 Title each frame to facilitate frame identification and navigation.
  • WCAG 1.0 (Level AAA)
    Guideline GroupPriority 1
    Guideline Subgroup12.1 Title each frame to facilitate frame identification and navigation.
  • WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
    Guideline Group2.4 Navigable: Provide ways to help users navigate, find content, and determine where they are.
    Guideline SubgroupSuccess Criteria 2.4.1 Bypass Blocks (A)
  • WCAG 2.0 (Level AA)
    Guideline Group2.4 Navigable: Provide ways to help users navigate, find content, and determine where they are.
    Guideline SubgroupSuccess Criteria 2.4.1 Bypass Blocks (A)
  • WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA)
    Guideline Group2.4 Navigable: Provide ways to help users navigate, find content, and determine where they are.
    Guideline SubgroupSuccess Criteria 2.4.1 Bypass Blocks (A)


All frame titles identify the purpose or function of the frame.


frame title may not describe the purpose or function of the frame.

Short Description

frame title must describe the purpose or function of the frame.

How To Determine

Question Does the frame title describe the purpose or function of the frame?
PASS frame title describes the purpose or function of the frame.
FAIL frame title does not describe the purpose or function of the frame.

Steps To Check


1. Check the title attribute of each frame element in the content.
2. View the content within the frame.

Expected Result

1. All frame titles identify the purpose or function of the frame.

Failed Result

1. Modify the frame's title so it describes the purpose or function of the frame.


Pass Examples

frame title describes the purpose or function of the frame.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <title>A simple frameset document</title>
  <frameset cols="10%, 90%">
    <frame src="nav.html" title="Navigation" />
    <frame src="doc.html" title="Content" />
        <a href="lib.html" title="Library link">Select to go to the electronic library</a>

Fail Examples

frame title does not describe the purpose or function of the frame.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <title>A simple frameset document</title>
  <frameset cols="10%, 90%">
    <frame src="nav.html" title="title" />
    <frame src="doc.html" title="title" />
        <a href="lib.html" title="Library link">Select to go to the electronic library</a>
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