Section 508

Abbreviation 508
Long Name Section 508 of the Workforce Rehabilitation Act (USA standard)
Published Date 2004-03-12
Status Enabled
Open To Public Yes


A - text equivalents

Element Error Type Description Check ID
iframe Likely <code>iframes</code> must have alternate content. 101
img Known All <code>img</code> elements have an <code>alt</code> attribute. 1
img Likely Alt text is not the same as the filename unless author has confirmed it is correct. 2
img Potential Image Alt text is short. 3
img Likely Non-Decorative images must have Alt text. 4
img Likely Important images should not have spacer Alt text. 5
img Likely Alt text for all <code>img</code> elements is not placeholder text unless author has confirmed it is correct. 6
img Known Alt text for all <code>img</code> elements used as source anchors is not empty when there is no other text in the anchor. 7
img Potential Alt text for all <code>img</code> elements contains all text in the image unless the image text is decorative or appears elsewhere in the document. 11
object Potential Text equivalents for <code>object</code> should be updated if <code>object</code> changes - (codebase). 74
object Potential <code>object</code> link to multimedia file must have text transcript. 77
object Potential All <code>objects</code> contain a text equivalent of the <code>object</code>. 80

B - multimedia equivalents synchronized

Element Error Type Description Check ID
a Likely Links to multimedia require a text transcript. 20

C - color also available without color

Element Error Type Description Check ID
applet Potential <code>applet</code> should not use color alone. 21
img Potential For all <code>img</code> elements, text does not refer to the image by color alone. 14
input Potential <code>input</code> should not use color alone. 55
object Potential <code>object</code> must not use color alone. 73
script Potential Color alone should not be used in the <code>script</code>. 86

D - stylesheets in use

Element Error Type Description Check ID
script Likely Content must be readable when stylesheets are not applied (SCRIPT). 94

E - text links for server-side image map

Element Error Type Description Check ID
img Known All links in all client side image-maps are duplicated within the document. 13

F - client-side image maps instead of server-side

Element Error Type Description Check ID
img Known All <code>img</code> elements with an <code>ismap</code> attribute have a valid <code>usemap</code> attribute. 12

G - row/column headers for data tables

Element Error Type Description Check ID
table Potential All data tables contain <code>th</code> elements. 136

H - associate data cells and header cells

I - frames shall be titled

Element Error Type Description Check ID
frame Known All <code>frames</code> have a <code>title</code> attribute. 31
frame Potential All <code>frame</code> <code>titles</code> identify the purpose or function of the <code>frame</code>. 32
frame Potential The source for each <code>frame</code> is accessible content. 33
frameset Likely Relationship between <code>frames</code> must be described. 34
frameset Known <code>frameset</code> must have a <code>noframes</code> section. 35

J - avoid flicker

Element Error Type Description Check ID
applet Potential <code>applets</code> cause screen flicker. 22
img Potential All <code>img</code> elements have associated images that do not flicker. 10
object Potential All <code>objects</code> do not flicker. 30
script Potential <code>script</code> should not cause screen flicker. 87

K - text-only page

L - script must have functional text

Element Error Type Description Check ID
script Known <code>script</code> must have a <code>noscript</code> section. 90

M - applets etc. must comply

Element Error Type Description Check ID
applet Potential <code>applet</code> contains a text equivalent in the <code>alt</code> attribute of the <code>applet</code>. 23
applet Potential Text equivalents for <code>applet</code> must be updated if <code>applet</code> changes. 24
applet Potential <code>applet</code> contains a text equivalent in the body of the <code>applet</code>. 25
applet Potential <code>applet</code> user interface must be accessible. 26

N - accessible forms

Element Error Type Description Check ID
input Known All <code>input</code> elements, <code>type</code> of "text", have an explicitly associated label. 57
input Known All <code>input</code> elements with a <code>type</code> attribute value of "image" have an <code>alt</code> attribute. 58
input Potential Alt text for all <code>input</code> elements with a <code>type</code> attribute value of "image" identifies the purpose or function of the image. 59
input Likely Alt text for all <code>input</code> elements with a <code>type</code> attribute value of "image" is less than 100 characters (English) or the user has confirmed that the Alt text is as short as possible. 60
input Likely Image used in <code>input</code> element - Alt text should not be the same as the filename. 61
input Likely Image used in <code>input</code> element - Alt text should not be placeholder text. 62
input Known All <code>input</code> elements, <code>type</code> of "password", have an explicitly associated <code>label</code>. 118
input Known All <code>input</code> elements, <code>type</code> of "checkbox", have an explicitly associated <code>label</code>. 119
input Known All <code>input</code> elements, <code>type</code> of "file", have an explicitly associated <code>label</code>. 120
input Known All <code>input</code> elements, <code>type</code> of "radio", have an explicitly associated <code>label</code>. 121
input Known All <code>input</code> elements, <code>type</code> of "text", have a <code>label</code> containing text. 213
select Known All <code>select</code> elements have an explicitly associated <code>label</code>. 91

O - skip repetitive navigation links

Element Error Type Description Check ID
body Potential A "skip to content" link appears on all pages with blocks of material prior to the main document. 28

P - timed response

Element Error Type Description Check ID
meta Known Auto-redirect must not be used. 71
meta Known Meta refresh is not used with a time-out. 72
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