Stanca Act

Abbreviation STANCA
Long Name Stanca Act (Italian accessibility law)
Published Date 2005-12-20
Status Enabled
Open To Public Yes


Requirement 1: Conform To Specifications

Element Error Type Description Check ID
html Known Strict doctype is declared. 225
html Known Document validates to specification. 232

Requirement 2: No Frames

Element Error Type Description Check ID
frame Known <code>frame</code> element is not used. 234
frameset Known <code>frameset</code> element is not used. 233

Requirement 3: Text Equivalents

Element Error Type Description Check ID
img Known All <code>img</code> elements have an <code>alt</code> attribute. 1
img Likely Alt text is not the same as the filename unless author has confirmed it is correct. 2
img Potential Image Alt text is short. 3
img Likely Non-Decorative images must have Alt text. 4
img Likely Important images should not have spacer Alt text. 5
img Likely Alt text for all <code>img</code> elements is not placeholder text unless author has confirmed it is correct. 6
img Potential Alt text for all <code>img</code> elements contains all text in the image unless the image text is decorative or appears elsewhere in the document. 11
img Potential Alt text for all <code>img</code> elements is the empty string ("") if the image is decorative. 16
img Potential Alt text for all <code>img</code> elements that are not used as source anchors conveys the same information as the image. 178
input Likely Image used in <code>input</code> element - Alt text should not be the same as the filename. 61
input Likely Image used in <code>input</code> element - Alt text should not be placeholder text. 62

Requirement 4: Color Specific

Element Error Type Description Check ID
applet Potential <code>applet</code> should not use color alone. 21
img Potential For all <code>img</code> elements, text does not refer to the image by color alone. 14
input Potential <code>input</code> should not use color alone. 55
object Potential <code>object</code> must not use color alone. 73
script Potential Color alone should not be used in the <code>script</code>. 86

Requirement 5: Flicker

Element Error Type Description Check ID
applet Potential <code>applets</code> cause screen flicker. 22
img Potential All <code>img</code> elements have associated images that do not flicker. 10
object Potential All <code>objects</code> do not flicker. 30
script Potential <code>script</code> should not cause screen flicker. 87

Requirement 6: Visual Contrast

Element Error Type Description Check ID
body Known The contrast between text and background colors is greater than WAI ERT color algorithm threshold. 226
body Known The contrast between link text and background color is greater than WAI ERT color algorithm threshold. 227
body Known The contrast between active link text and background color is greater than WAI ERT color algorithm threshold. 228
body Known The contrast between visited link text and background color is greater than WAI ERT color algorithm threshold. 229

Requirement 7: Avoid Server-side Image Maps

Element Error Type Description Check ID
img Potential Server-side image maps are not used except when image map regions cannot be defined using an available geometric shape. 196

Requirement 8: Text Links For Server-side Image Maps

Element Error Type Description Check ID
img Potential All active areas in all server-side image maps have duplicate text links in the document. 132

Requirement 9: Data Table Header Elements

Element Error Type Description Check ID
table Potential All data tables contain <code>th</code> elements. 136

Requirement 10: Data Table Header Elements Multiple Levels

Element Error Type Description Check ID
table Potential Use <code>thead</code> to group repeated table headers, <code>tfoot</code> for repeated table footers, and <code>tbody</code> for other groups of rows. 230
table Potential Use <code>colgroup</code> and <code>col</code> elements to group columns. 231

Requirement 11: Use Style Sheets

Requirement 12: Use relative rather than absolute units of measure

Requirement 13: Layout Table Linearize And Markup

Element Error Type Description Check ID
table Known All layout <code>tables</code> have an empty <code>summary</code> attribute or no <code>summary</code> attribute. 114
table Known All layout tables do not contain <code>caption</code> elements. 115
table Potential All layout <code>tables</code> make sense when linearized. 133
table Potential All layout tables do not contain <code>th</code> elements. 137

Requirement 14: Form Labels

Element Error Type Description Check ID
input Known All <code>input</code> elements, <code>type</code> of "password", have an explicitly associated <code>label</code>. 118
input Known All <code>input</code> elements, <code>type</code> of "checkbox", have an explicitly associated <code>label</code>. 119
input Known All <code>input</code> elements, <code>type</code> of "file", have an explicitly associated <code>label</code>. 120
input Known All <code>input</code> elements, <code>type</code> of "radio", have an explicitly associated <code>label</code>. 121
input Potential All <code>input</code> elements, <code>type</code> of "password", have a label that is positioned close to the control. 122
input Potential All <code>input</code> elements, <code>type</code> of "checkbox", have a label that is positioned close to the control. 123
input Potential All <code>input</code> elements, <code>type</code> of "file", have a label that is positioned close to the control. 124
input Potential All <code>input</code> elements, <code>type</code> of "radio", have a label that is positioned close to the control. 125

Requirement 15: Script/Object Alternatives

Element Error Type Description Check ID
applet Potential <code>applet</code> contains a text equivalent in the <code>alt</code> attribute of the <code>applet</code>. 23
applet Potential Text equivalents for <code>applet</code> must be updated if <code>applet</code> changes. 24
applet Potential <code>applet</code> contains a text equivalent in the body of the <code>applet</code>. 25
embed Known <code>embed</code> must have <code>alt</code> attribute. 165
embed Known <code>embed</code> must not have empty Alt text. 166
noembed Potential <code>noembed</code> must have equivalent content. 164
object Potential All <code>objects</code> contain a text equivalent of the <code>object</code>. 80
object Potential Text equivalents for <code>object</code> should be updated if <code>object</code> changes - (classid). 127
object Potential Content must be usable when <code>object</code>s are disabled. 128
script Potential Content must be accessible when <code>script</code> is disabled. 88
script Known <code>script</code> must have a <code>noscript</code> section. 90
script Likely Content must be readable when stylesheets are not applied (SCRIPT). 94

Requirement 16: Script/Object Accessible

Element Error Type Description Check ID
all elements Known All <code>onclick</code> event handlers have an associated <code>onkeypress</code> event handler. 102
all elements Potential All <code>ondblclick</code> event handlers have corresponding keyboard-specific functions. 103
all elements Known All <code>onmousedown</code> event handlers have an associated <code>onkeydown</code> event handler. 104
all elements Potential All <code>onmousemove</code> event handlers have corresponding keyboard-specific functions. 105
all elements Known All <code>onmouseout</code> event handlers have an associated <code>onblur</code> event handler. 106
all elements Known All <code>onmouseover</code> event handlers have an associated <code>onfocus</code> event handler. 107
all elements Known All <code>onmouseup</code> event handlers have an associated <code>onkeyup</code> event handler. 108
applet Potential <code>applet</code> user interface must be accessible. 26
object Potential <code>object</code> user interface must be accessible - (classid). 129
script Potential User interface for <code>script</code> must be accessible. 89

Requirement 17: Objects Are Accessible

Requirement 18: Synchronized Text Equivalents For Multimedia

Element Error Type Description Check ID
a Likely Links to multimedia require a text transcript. 20
a Likely Links to multimedia have a link to text alternative. 145
object Potential <code>object</code> link to multimedia file must have text transcript. 77
object Potential <code>object</code> link to multimedia file require equivalent alternatives (e.g., captions or auditory descriptions of the visual track). 146

Requirement 19: Link Text

Element Error Type Description Check ID
a Potential Link text is meaningful when read out of context. 19
a Known Alt text for all <code>img</code> elements used as source anchors is different from the link text. 175
a Potential The <code>title</code> attribute of all source <code>a</code> (anchor) elements describes the link destination. 191
area Potential Alt text for all <code>area</code> elements identifies the link destination. 65
body Potential A "skip to content" link appears on all pages with blocks of material prior to the main document. 28
img Potential Alt text for all <code>img</code> elements used as source anchors identifies the destination of the link. 15

Requirement 20: Time Limits

Element Error Type Description Check ID
meta Known Auto-redirect must not be used. 71
meta Known Meta refresh is not used with a time-out. 72

Requirement 21: Links Selectable And Dimensions

Requirement 22: Alternate Accessible Page

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